New opportunity for Irish undergraduate researchers
The Global Undergraduate Awards is pleased to announce a new partnership with Paper Radio to bring the work of Irish undergraduate researchers to new audiences in the form of a dedicated podcast.
Paper Radio is a passion project created by Emma McKeagney. Each week Paper Radio will take a research paper from an Irish researcher and interview them on the topic of their paper. Paper Radio is bringing academic research from paper to the airwaves into your ears to start important conversations off about issues and topics affecting us here in Ireland.
Paper Radio is here to help share the fantastic and rigorous research happening all over Ireland today. Season 1 will share papers from undergraduate researchers. The project wants to stress how much outstanding research is happening in Ireland, even at an undergraduate level. Undergraduate researchers are some of the most interesting, creative and ground-breaking detectives out there. A lot of the time undergraduate research goes nowhere after students graduate and not all undergraduates go on to do further study. We want to create a platform that shares and dissects this huge wealth of research happening every year.
While Paper Radio is still taking submissions, topics that are already in the works are Direct Provision, drug use related to the contemporary music scene in Ireland, constitutional politics, climate change attitudes and more.
Paper Radio aims to start releasing episodes in early-autumn this year. Keep an eye on their Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts to find out more!
If you have a piece of undergraduate research you want to share on Paper Radio, submit your research to paper.radio.podcast@gmail.com.